Advice for Post-bariatric surgery period
The high demand for canned and fast food has caused obesity, which is one of the most important causes of death.
The danger of obesity is not limited to the excessive increase in body weight and its impact on the joints and back vertebrae, but it extends to other complications, for example, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, increased risk of heart attacks, breathing difficulty, and reduced physical exertion.
Due to the spread of obesity, some effective solutions have emerged, such as bariatric surgeries represented in Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass surgeries. Some important tips must be followed, after the surgery, to ensure its success without any complications, pain, or unexpected symptoms.
First, what are Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass surgeries?
Gastric Sleeve surgery is a longitudinal removal of about 80% of the stomach and stapling the wound with modern staplers. As a result of reducing the size of the stomach, the patient's ability to eat large quantities of food decreases, thus the body burns the accumulated fat to produce the energy needed.
Gastric Bypass surgery is linking the dome of the stomach and the intestine directly after shortening more than approximately 2 meters of the intestine. As a result of reducing the stomach, the amount of food decreases, and as a result of skipping the first part of the intestine, sugars and fats absorption decreases, and thus the person begins to lose weight rapidly.
Now, we will talk about the most important tips that must be followed after the surgery to ensure its success and ensure weight loss without gaining weight again:
1- Immediately after the surgery, the patient must spend the recovery period without making a serious effort. The doctor will prescribe some medications as pain relievers.
2- Following the prescribed diet is one of the decisive points in the success of bariatric surgeries. The post-surgical period is divided into 3 stages:
The first stage is from the day of the surgery until the second week, in which the patient depends entirely on transparent fluids that contain the essential nutrients for the body structure, including fresh juices.
The second stage is the third and fourth week, in which the patient depends on opaque liquids, whipped foods, and some mashed food. The patient can eat cheese, yogurt, fish, and proteins such as meat and well-cooked chicken.
The third stage is after the fourth week, in which the patient can eat some solid foods, but it is recommended to avoid fatty, sugary, and spicy foods.
3- Drinking sufficient quantities of water is one of the secrets of the success of the surgery. Doctors advise drinking large quantities of water daily, as water helps to hydrate the body and compensates for the severe loss of elements inside the body. It also improves the digestion process and helps burn fat.
After bariatric surgeries, the patient may become dehydrated due to severe food shortage and insufficient nutrient absorption. Therefore water compensates for this deficiency and protects the body from dehydration.
4- Exercising some sports daily, after the recovery period, as the body needs some movement to burn fat and activate the body muscles such as daily walking, running, or going up and downstairs.
5- Avoid eating a large amount of food in one meal or more than needed to avoid colic, stomach pain, and vomiting. The increase of the pressure inside the stomach beyond the permissible limit may cause a leak.
6- The adherence to vitamins and nutritional supplements recommended by the doctor is essential to avoid any complications, such as hair loss and weakness as a result of malnutrition.
7- Continuous following-up with the doctor.
8- Stop eating while watching TV.
9- Ensuring a complete understanding of bariatric surgeries before making any decision.
10- Stop smoking, as it causes a delay in wound healing, gastric ulcers, and stomach inflammations.